The idea of more stuff in our home worries me. With the holiday season coming up I get a little bit nervous, especially when it comes to children’s toys. I strongly believe children are happier and play more creatively when they have a few appropriate quality toys, neatly organized in a beautiful and uncluttered space.
So, before you go off Christmas shopping and find yourself attracted and seduced by the influence of the stores, let’s do some research by decluttering your children’s toys first. Have a look at what they own and what toys they actually love to play with. Get a clear grasp of what gift would make your child over the moon!

Marie Kondo says that children as young as three have the ability to decide what brings them joy. You can also decide to do this on your own. You know your child best.
Tips for tidying children’s toys:
Search everywhere around the house and gather all toys in one place. This is called the power of the pile and confronts you with how much stuff you have accumulated.
If needed, you can make subcategories; dolls, playmobil, stuffed animals, lego etc.
Hold each item in your hand and ask, “Does this spark joy?” (ask your child, or do this on your children’s behalf).
Broken toys can be discarded.
Have boxes ready labeled “donate, sell, trash, keep” and take care of everything accordingly.
Find a home for all the toys you are keeping. Store them in a way so they are easily accessible for the child to explore and use independently.
Think consciously about what Christmas gift would really make your child happy.
Are you inspired and do you want to know more about tidying with children?
Please read Marie’s Top 4 Tips for Tidying with Kids:
Do you need help to tidy your children's rooms? Contact me for a free consult by phone.